"If we can but prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy." Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, November 29, 1802

Monday, November 4, 2013

America Deserves a Sober Congress

A few weeks ago I was appalled to read about the House Republican’s drinking binge on the eve of their shutdown in Washington to oppose Obamacare. My first thought was that our leaders wield great power and influence and they should not be making decisions under the influence of alcohol because it impairs judgment. I would be fired if I was caught drinking on the job. So why should these men and women who hold the most prestigious and powerful positions in our nation have the leisure of drinking on the job? They are in the driver’s seat of this country for God sake−why are they drinking while intoxicated? Their unrestraint was in total disrespect to the positions they hold and in complete apathy towards how their actions affect the lives of citizens they serve.

My second thought was that I hate hypocrisy! I think those who serve in office should be held under the same scrutiny for use of drugs and alcohol like everyone else.  There should be a law that forbids  representatives in office (including the president) from consuming alcohol while serving. Period! They are in strategic positions of power and they should be sober. As long as they hold a position in office they should not be allowed to consume alcohol. Honestly, I think a federal worker sobriety law would force some of those old farts to finally leave Washington, DC. Some of them really do need to go home!

I understand their job comes with overwhelming pressures and that alcohol helps to relieve some of the tension. I get it! However, after watching this last fiasco (government shut down) by the Republicans, I am convinced that these people are foolish drunkards and need to be a member of an  AA meeting instead of members of Congress. Seriously, what other reason would the Republicans shut down the government without a plan to secure a favorable outcome? I think there should be a sobriety test given to any member of Congress before every session. America deserves clear-headed leaders when it comes to leading this nation. 

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