"If we can but prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy." Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, November 29, 1802

Friday, December 13, 2013

Drug Benefits (I tried to graduate, but I got high)

I agree with Brandon’s opinion that taking and passing a drug test should be a condition for receiving government benefits (food stamps/TANF). I understand his frustration in seeing hard earned tax dollars from hard working citizens squandered on drugs. But I would take it a step further by saying I think  a drug test should also be a criteria for receiving financial aid for college because there are students who use their financial aid to buy alcohol and marijuana while in school. Young people are inundated with ads offering drink specials every week to entice them to spend their financial aid (other people’s money) on liquor. They are hounded by drug dealers (which may very well be another student) to purchase drugs. Billions of tax payer's money is wasted on parties, alcohol and drugs by students. They are not using the money for their education. A drug test should be administered before receiving financial aid every semester. Is it ethical? Hell yes! I do not want my taxes to pay for their parties and drug binges! How can they become productive citizens if all they have done while in school is use the funds to get high and party? They are not studying, they are getting high!